"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young." - Henry Ford

Charter schools, homeschooling, and online learning improve student performance

Charter schools, homeschooling and online learning all key to better student ...
The Hill (blog)
more than 2 million students attending approximately 5,600 charter schools around the country today. A recent Department of Education study found that parents of charter school students are more satisfied with their children's schools and rate them ...How Online Learning is Saving and Improving Rural High Schools ...
Digital Idaho. “We have many rural schools that are now actively using online learning,” said Idaho chief Tom Luna. Online opportunities have expanded for ...

Jonah Goldberg: Education spending that isn't smart - latimes.com
Think about it this way: Growing economies spend a lot on education, but that doesn't necessarily mean that spending makes them grow.

Jindal, McDonnell tout education reforms | Fox News
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says education reforms that have produced results in his state can also work in Virginia. Jindal helped promote Virginia Gov.

Disruptive Innovation Needed in Higher Education
Huffington Post (blog)
"Disruptive Innovation" is a buzz phrase that is running wild through the world of entrepreneurship these days. There are Disruptive Innovators discussion groups on LinkedIn and Facebook. Though president of Southwestern College, Santa Fe, I am a ...

EU seals deal with HP, Nokia, others to fill 700,000 tech jobs | ZDNet: "The digital skills gap is growing, like our unemployment queues. We need joint action between governments and companies to bridge that gap. The ICT sector is the new backbone of Europe's economy, and together we can prevent a lost generation and an uncompetitive Europe. So I am expecting concrete pledges by companies, everyone I meet will be getting the same request. The Commission will do its bit but we can't do it alone — companies, social partners and education players — including at national and regional level - have to stand with us.
Other elements to the Coalition—a bit of a tough word to swallow in Europe at the moment—will include mobility assistance, such as English language learning support to helping to standardize certifications of skills."

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