"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young." - Henry Ford

Chinese Top Universities Corruption

Chinese Top Universities Plagued With Corruption | Dragons and Pandas | Big Think: "... Here’s a quote from WSJ: “Some 70% of research funds, he [Mr. Xia] says, goes to personal use—"travel, hotels, meals, computers, mobile phones, iPads, printers, all things you can imagine […]" State media reports that the government is closely investigating the entire ‘C9 League’ – the alliance of China nine top universities. Xi Jinping’s massive crackdown on corruption has finally reached the ivory towers."

Online MPA and Graduate Certificate Programs: SPEA Connect"Enroll in an online MPA or graduate certificate program from a school that U.S. News & World Report ranked 2nd in the nation."

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