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The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young." - Henry Ford

Jack Lew and "the racket that is higher education"

Our Treasury Secretary knows first-hand about the "extremely lucrative field of nonprofit education"--

Jack Lew & The Art of the Score | RealClearPolitics: " . . . Jack Lew is a rare talent — at the art of getting paid. He left the Clinton administration, where he served as director of the Office of Management and Budget, for what turned out to be the extremely lucrative field of nonprofit education. At New York University, he made more than $800,000 in 2002. According to his W-2, examined by staff on Capitol Hill, he made $1.2 million in total compensation in 2006. Lest you discount these figures as a reflection of the racket that is higher education rather than as an indication of Jack Lew’s knack for getting paid, consider that he made more than the president of the university, John Sexton. One imagines a sheepish Sexton asking the university’s board why he was making less than the executive vice president for operations and getting back the pained explanation, “Surely, John, you must understand — it’s because he’s Jack Lew.” Even for Jack Lew, housing in New York City can be expensive. Not to worry. New York University gave him a loan for housing. The universally recognized trouble with loans is that they have to be paid back. Not to worry. All is forgiven if you are Jack Lew, especially your loans. According to Lew, the university forgave the loan of some $1.4 million “in equal installments over five years.” When he left NYU, Lew received what he describes as “a one-time severance payment upon my departure.” He wasn’t fired, usually the occasion for severance pay. He simply left and got paid for the act of leaving. Hey, that’s Jack Lew — he gets paid when he stays, and he gets paid when he goes. He went to Citigroup, which NYU had made its primary private lender for student loans in exchange for a cut of those loans. (Coincidences happen to everyone, including Jack Lew.) At Citi, Lew established beyond a doubt his expertise at getting paid. In 2008, as the bank nearly blew up and laid off one-seventh of its employees, Lew ran its disastrous Alternative Investments unit — and got paid $1.1 million. . . ."

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