"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young." - Henry Ford

Colleges, universities, MOOCs, an uncertain future

Colleges, universities look to online programs to navigate an uncertain future - Business Monday - MiamiHerald.com: " . . . . Aside from their early mastery of the online platform, the for-profits excelled at marketing to adult, nontraditional students, as well as tailoring the educational experience to their unique needs. The University of Phoenix, for example, compressed its classes into five or six-week mini-semesters, with the idea that it’s easier for busy adults to absorb one fast-paced class than to juggle four classes in a full-length college semester. More recently, though, for-profits have been criticized for using overly-agggressive, car-salesman-like selling tactics to recruit students. The schools often charge higher tuition than public colleges, and the student loan default rates at for-profit schools are dramatically higher than at other types of colleges. The combination of bad publicity and stricter government oversight has slowed for-profits’ recent growth. . . ."

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Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/08/18/3571447/colleges-universities-look-to.html#emlnl=Business#storylink=cpy

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