Editorial: Teachers union's circus act doesn't help kids
Chicago Sun-Times
The war between the Chicago Teachers Union and the school system over how best to improve schools is getting uglier by the day, with the CTU and its allies largely to blame. Last week, it was a revolt at a Board of Education meeting, with protesters ...
Chicago Sun-Times
The war between the Chicago Teachers Union and the school system over how best to improve schools is getting uglier by the day, with the CTU and its allies largely to blame. Last week, it was a revolt at a Board of Education meeting, with protesters ...
Teachers accused of cheating still working in schools
Chicago Tribune
Some may have been allowed to keep teaching even if the state had investigated, but in the meantime, educators were allowed to jump easily to new jobs while the state delayed. Illinois State Board of Education officials say they were instead focused on ...
Chicago Tribune
Some may have been allowed to keep teaching even if the state had investigated, but in the meantime, educators were allowed to jump easily to new jobs while the state delayed. Illinois State Board of Education officials say they were instead focused on ...
Chicago Tribune
(Reuters) - Seven states will share $200 million in grant money they can use to improve student achievement, the Department of Education announced on Friday. Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania will share the ...
Primary school teachers resign after Facebook insults about pupils
The Guardian
"All classes are being covered by qualified teaching staff and everyone is working hard to ensure that the children's education and well-being are not affected in any way." A council spokeswoman said: "We are continuing to support the school and will ...
The Guardian
2011: Best and worst in education
Washington Post (blog)
By Richard D. Kahlenberg Looking back on 2011, we saw in K-12 education some continuation of the misguided obsession with teachers unions, as Republican governors sought to cripple public employee unions in Wisconsin and Ohio. To add to the drumbeat, ...
Proposed KCCA salaries rattle education, health
New Vision
The KCCA Act includes teachers and health workers among the employees of the authority and the question now is on whose terms they should serve – the teaching (or health) service commissions or KCCA. The Ministry of Public Service has written to the...
New Vision
Education Yields Near Record Low Spur Texas Tech University to Sell Bonds
Texas Tech University plans to sell $198 million in tax-exempt and taxable bonds for sports and other programs as similar education debt approaches record-low yields. Interest rates on AA ratededucation bonds, the same grade Fitch Ratings assigned to ...
Teachers pension fund won't release recipients
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
ALBANY — The state Teachers' Retirement System said Thursday that it would not release the names of teachers receiving taxpayer-funded pensions after a state appeals court ruled in October that a New York City police pension fund was off limits to the ...
Mother says teachers stuffed autistic son in duffle bag as punishment
Sandra Baker doesn't know how long he was there, only that his special education teacher's aide told him to stay there for disobeying her. "He was to himself, went to his room, was in there all night, didn't communicate with anybody," said Baker. ...
Before switching to a teaching career, consider this
Globe and Mail
There is a high need for teachers who are fluent in French. Gaining information on what types of teachers are in demand will help you understand what you need to do to get a job. You may be focused on becoming a physical education teacher, ...
Globe and Mail
Displaced teachers still give aid
By Tarra Quismundo Education Secretary Armin Luistro was moved to tears by what the employees of his department had done for the victims of Tropical Storm “Sendong.” Public school teachers living in the devastated areas still volunteered to prepare ...
Great Neck teachers accept pay freeze
The Island Now
The Great Neck School District Board of Education had two priorities when it opened negotiations on a new contract with the district's teachers union earlier this year. "One was that we had a settlement that was fair," Great Neck Public Schools ...
Education Minister Leighton Andrews admits to failures in education
But the categorisation of secondary schools in Wales has attracted strong criticism from teacherswho fear a return to damaging “league tables”. Mr Andrews said: “It's important, I think, that people remember this is just one factor in terms of making ...
Coaching, Not 'Moneyball,' Will Improve Teaching
New York Times
Reform measures that promote a culture of competition among teachers are obviously inconsistent with the tenets of a true, collaborative learning community — inconsistent, one might say, with the principles of a team. Instead, we should focus more of ...
Grapevine: Education Troubles in Hawaii?
Fox News
State officials say they are committed to resolving these issues, but note a complication with theteachers union has slowed progress. The union president says it is unfair to blame his group for the position the state is in. ...
Education grant well-timed
The Olympian
Washington state's commitment to early learning received a major boost last week when the federal government awarded the state a $60 million grant to improve education development programs for young children. The state was one of nine in the country to ...
School boards haven't restored all cut jobs, teachers' group charges
Edmonton Journal
By Sarolta Saskiw, edmontonjournal.com December 23, 2011 6:28 AM EDMONTON - School boards are under scrutiny from the Alberta Teachers' Association for not using the $107 million allocated by the provincial government to reinstate all the teaching ...
Unlikely Education Leader Links Business and Schools in Morocco
PBS NewsHour
Now Andaloussi has shifted his focus to a new education project, Injaz Morocco, which involves teaching high school students how to start their own businesses. Over the course of about six months, students pitch a business idea, build a business plan,...

PBS NewsHour
Cuomo asked to restore education aid
Click here Cuomo asked to restore education aid Published: December 23, 2011 12:52 PM By CARL MACGOWAN carl.macgowan@newsday.com State lawmakers from Long Island have renewed efforts to convince Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo to restore almost $48 million in ...
Two New Education Documentaries Coming in 2012
Huffington Post
One of the best ways to see what is happening in education is with documentaries and videos and one of the best creators of these documentaries is outstanding education reporter John Merrow onLearning Matters. For the past 16 years Learning Matters ...
Teachers' Hourly Compensation Doubles Up Private-Sector Average
Sunshine State News
The BLS also said teachers get more than twice as much in average hourly wages and benefits as workers in private industry. Public primary, secondary and specialeducation teachers are paid an average of $39.69 in wages and $16.90 in benefits, ...

Sunshine State News
N.J. receives $38 million in Race to the Top education funding
The Star-Ledger - NJ.com
The New Jersey Education Association, the state's largest teachers union, fiercely opposed the application submitted by the Christie administration in May 2010. A union spokesman described this award as "less than a drop in the bucket. ...

The Star-Ledger - NJ.com
Parents as Teachers Addresses Growing Needs of Vulnerable Families
PR Web (press release)
Parents as Teachers offers early childhood professionals resources, training and tips for serving families in real-world situations. Parents as Teachers, the trusted resource for organizations and professionals in early childhood education, ...
Education Reform | The education reform scarecrow | The Daily Caller
By Bob Bowdon
The fact that cultural factors affect student achievement shouldn't dissuade people from supportingeducation reform.
The Daily Caller
The Island Now
The Great Neck School District Board of Education had two priorities when it opened negotiations on a new contract with the district's teachers union earlier this year. "One was that we had a settlement that was fair," Great Neck Public Schools ...
Education Minister Leighton Andrews admits to failures in education
But the categorisation of secondary schools in Wales has attracted strong criticism from teacherswho fear a return to damaging “league tables”. Mr Andrews said: “It's important, I think, that people remember this is just one factor in terms of making ...
Coaching, Not 'Moneyball,' Will Improve Teaching
New York Times
Reform measures that promote a culture of competition among teachers are obviously inconsistent with the tenets of a true, collaborative learning community — inconsistent, one might say, with the principles of a team. Instead, we should focus more of ...
Grapevine: Education Troubles in Hawaii?
Fox News
State officials say they are committed to resolving these issues, but note a complication with theteachers union has slowed progress. The union president says it is unfair to blame his group for the position the state is in. ...
Education grant well-timed
The Olympian
Washington state's commitment to early learning received a major boost last week when the federal government awarded the state a $60 million grant to improve education development programs for young children. The state was one of nine in the country to ...
School boards haven't restored all cut jobs, teachers' group charges
Edmonton Journal
By Sarolta Saskiw, edmontonjournal.com December 23, 2011 6:28 AM EDMONTON - School boards are under scrutiny from the Alberta Teachers' Association for not using the $107 million allocated by the provincial government to reinstate all the teaching ...
Unlikely Education Leader Links Business and Schools in Morocco
PBS NewsHour
Now Andaloussi has shifted his focus to a new education project, Injaz Morocco, which involves teaching high school students how to start their own businesses. Over the course of about six months, students pitch a business idea, build a business plan,...
PBS NewsHour
Cuomo asked to restore education aid
Click here Cuomo asked to restore education aid Published: December 23, 2011 12:52 PM By CARL MACGOWAN carl.macgowan@newsday.com State lawmakers from Long Island have renewed efforts to convince Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo to restore almost $48 million in ...
Two New Education Documentaries Coming in 2012
Huffington Post
One of the best ways to see what is happening in education is with documentaries and videos and one of the best creators of these documentaries is outstanding education reporter John Merrow onLearning Matters. For the past 16 years Learning Matters ...
Teachers' Hourly Compensation Doubles Up Private-Sector Average
Sunshine State News
The BLS also said teachers get more than twice as much in average hourly wages and benefits as workers in private industry. Public primary, secondary and specialeducation teachers are paid an average of $39.69 in wages and $16.90 in benefits, ...
Sunshine State News
N.J. receives $38 million in Race to the Top education funding
The Star-Ledger - NJ.com
The New Jersey Education Association, the state's largest teachers union, fiercely opposed the application submitted by the Christie administration in May 2010. A union spokesman described this award as "less than a drop in the bucket. ...
The Star-Ledger - NJ.com
Parents as Teachers Addresses Growing Needs of Vulnerable Families
PR Web (press release)
Parents as Teachers offers early childhood professionals resources, training and tips for serving families in real-world situations. Parents as Teachers, the trusted resource for organizations and professionals in early childhood education, ...
Education Reform | The education reform scarecrow | The Daily Caller
By Bob Bowdon
The fact that cultural factors affect student achievement shouldn't dissuade people from supportingeducation reform.
The Daily Caller
Las Vegas Teachers' Union May Force 1000 Layoffs to Preserve Its ...
By Education Action Group
Unfortunately, the second option may be unavoidable, because the district has been unable to negotiate a new contract with its teachers union, the Clark County Education Association (CCEA). CCSD is the fifth largest school district in the nation, serving ... “Listen, teachers don't go into teaching to get rich, but they certainly don't go into the profession to live in the poorhouse,” Murillo recently wrote in the Las Vegas Review-Journal. A pay freeze would be a hardship for teachers, but it...
Big Government
Pennsylvania lands $41.3 million federal grant for education ...
By JAN MURPHY, The Patriot-News
tomalis.jpg View full sizeDAN GLEITER, The Patriot-News, 2011State Education Secretary Ronald Tomalis said some of the $41.3 million federal Race to the Top grant will be used to revise the system of evaluating teachers and principals. ...
Breaking Midstate News with The...
Salman Khan: Let's Use Video To Reinvent Education
By The Huffington Post News Editors
Of course, when it comes to learning in a classroom, firsthand experience isn't always a possibility. That's where video comes into play, giving teachers a way to transport students to an ancient land or recreate an otherwise dangerous science ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
New Online Teaching Standards – Stephen's Lighthouse
By admin
[National Standards for Quality Online Teaching, Version 2, the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL)]. “The 10 new online teaching standards include the following criteria: The online teacher knows the primary concepts ...
Stephen's Lighthouse
News Quiz | Dec. 23, 2011 - The Learning Network - New York Times
About The Learning Network. The Learning Network provides teaching and learning materials and ideas based on New York Times content. Teachers can use or adapt our lessons across subject areas and levels. Students can respond to our ...
The Learning Network
Pa. Education Department To Chester-Upland: Fix Your Own Budget ...
By Ed Fischer
The Pennsylvania Education Department has shot down a request from the Chester-Upland School District for an advance on state funding the district says it needs to meet payroll after the end of the month.
CBS Philly
Women–And Men–Aren't “Born” Teachers : Ms Magazine Blog
By Ashley Lauren Samsa
My choice is seen as unremarkable because the teaching profession is traditionally dominated by women; a 2007-2008 study found that 76 percent of public school teachers were women. My husband's choice, however, is a noble one. Perhaps ... Of course, teachers nurture and care for students within the walls of their classrooms, but they also have training in how to educate–training that most politicians creating education policy lack. And tespite being trained as extensively as other...
Ms Magazine Blog
Teachers' Pensions No Longer Public | Politics on the Hudson
By Joseph Spector
The state Teachers' Retirement System said it would not release the names of teachers receiving taxpayer-funded pensions after a state appeals court ruled in.
Politics on the Hudson
More 'reach' for excellent teachers — Joanne Jacobs
By Joanne
The education policy group plans to identify five sites to pilot expand-the-reach models. OpportunityCulture describes possible models: (The) teacher can work in person, teaching face to face in a school and/or leading other teachers. Or, when ...
Joanne Jacobs
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