The Seattle Times
She brought a couple of bottles of sparkling cider over to the Department of EarlyLearning on Friday and celebrated with the staff and Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn. Gregoire says one thing is clear to everyone involved ineducation: ...
Government to impose pension reforms on teachers
The Education Department and Cabinet Office yesterday confirmed it was pressing ahead with raising pension contributions next year for teachersand civil servants. Ministers were accused of being "unnecessarily provocative" and of imposing the increase ...
Harford teachers denied countywide bonuses
Baltimore Sun
He said he felt the teachers' union was trying to persuade the County Council to change the bonus legislation to influence the salary dispute. "That wasn't the intent at all," said Randy Cerveny, the Harford County Education Association president. ...
Virtual schools booming as states mull warnings
Chicago Sun-Times
Is online education as good as face-to-face teaching? Virtual education companies tout a 2009 research review conducted for the US Department of Education that showed K-12 students did as well or better in online learning conditions as in a traditional ...
Teachers union leads effort that aims to turn around West Virginia school system
Washington Post
He said that he feels that he's getting a good education in Bradshaw but that the isolation is difficult. McDowell County Superintendent James Brown in front of the new Bradshaw Elementary School. He is the county's third schools chief since 2001. ...
Education roundup: Bakersfield city schools to discuss fraud allegations
Bakersfield Californian
Students there will get nutritional education through their classes from public health officials. The meeting is at noon at 5801 Sundale Ave. Panama-Buena Vista TeachersAssociation is surveying its educators to figure out what needs to be changed to ...
Teachers agree to listen
Janesville Gazette
Eighty-five percent of union members who attended the meeting voted to send representatives to a meeting with the school board, said Dave Parr, president of the Janesville Education Association. Two other employee unions had already agreed to the...
Evansville teachers to vote on reopening contract
Janesville Gazette
16, 2011 EVANSVILLE — Teachers in Evansville will vote early next week on whether to reopen their contract to help the district fill an estimated $1.6 million deficit for next school year. Members of the Evansville Education Association met after ...
Park City teachers will see bigger paychecks
Park Record
A step increase is based on teaching experience, according to Timothy, who said each year teachers are with the district they are eligible to move up on the teacher salary schedule. School board members agreed to fund steps in the licensed agreement, ...
Buffalo Teachers Vow Lawsuit Over Transfers
All it does is disrupt the education of the kids. REPORTER: How will the union feel if the district looses out on three to six million dollars in funding? RUMORE: The thing is -- they can still apply for it. Next Year. REPORTER: I think a lot of people ...
Technology and Higher Education Reform, Arnold Kling | EconLog ...
By Arnold Kling
Teaching equals feedback. 2. What is the point of reform? Right now, if an 18 year old wants to learn, what barrier is there that we need to remove? I think our dinner discussion showed the need to think of higher education as a highly segmented market. Students differ along two ... Once you get away from the top n colleges, where n is probably between 100 and 200, you get into a tier where the natural aptitude for classroom learning is only middling. Can we lump everything below ...
EconLog: Library of Economics...
9 States Win Race to Top Early Learning Grants - Blogs - Education ...
By Michele McNeil
Nine states will share $500 million in Race to the Top early learning grants, the U.S. Department of Education confirmed this morning. They are: California, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, ...
Politics K-12 - Education Week
Special Education Lawsuits Against Riverside Unified School ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
A program meeting requires the participation of a specific group of people, including special and general education teachers. Instead, two district officials presented McGhee and her son's father, Mark McGhee, with what the parents said was a ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
Geotripper: Full-Time Tenure Track Geology Teaching Position at ...
By Garry Hayes
Other responsibilities include full participation in both department and student activities and initiatives, involvement in curriculum development and revision to meet transfer and accreditation standards, evaluation of Student Learning Outcomes, the maintenance of office hours, and participation in the governance of ... It is important that the online District Application form (Item #1 above) be complete and specific to fully indicateeducation, experience and other qualifications of applicant. ...
Pope calls for moral education of youth in annual message for World ...
Pope Benedict confirms that Church's teaching that parents are the primary educators: Where does true education in peace and justice take place? First of all, in the family, since parents are the first ... Hence the first step in education is learning to recognize the Creator's image in man, and consequently learning to have a profound respect for every human being. Education should prepare young people to live in freedom as adults, the Pope says. Here too, moral and religious ... - Catholic...
35 Shocking Facts That Prove That College Education Has Become ...
College education in America is a bad joke. ... of all U.S. college students exhibit "no significant gains in learning" after two years in college. .... In most universities, performance evaluation is based less on actual teaching ability and ... I was exposed to some really great teachers, who were demanding in their requirements ...
9 states win 'Race to the Top' contest for childhood education funds
“We're looking for kids to really start their learning process before ... development forteachers and creating ways to assess the education level of kids ...
7 key questions to ask about ed technology, online learning
Not all online learning is the same. Neither is all face-to-face learning. At this confusing moment in the history of education, we have to be willing to ...
Pension contributions for teachers and civil servants WILL go up next year ...
Daily Mail
The Education Department said that under the changes, new and lower-paid teacherswill be protected from the biggest contribution rises, with higher earners contributing more. The department said that a classroom teacher earning £25700 will pay around ...
Daily Mail
Oklahoma Education Board requests $158 million budget increase
BY MEGAN ROLLAND Leave a comment Bonuses for teachers who earn National Board Certification would be reinstated in 2013 under the state Education Board budget proposal approved Thursday. The overall budget request is for $2.4 ...
Pornography is replacing sex education
A rising number of children are learning about sex from watching pornography because sex education lessons are inadequate, researchers have found. By Donna Bowater The average age at which children first watch pornography is just 11, interviews with ...
Arizona online schools: Merits of online learning are unclear
Tucson Citizen
For online education to work, education experts say schools need teachers and curricula that engage students. Lessons must be interactive, with videos and simulations, rather than just text and reading, some experts say. “It generally is more engaging ...
The Mess of No Child Left Behind
The Atlantic
By Brian Resnick In a report released Thursday, the Center on Education Policy found that 48 percent of the nation's public schools failed to meet NCLB goals in 2011. This is up from 39 percent in 2010 and 29 percent in 2006. ...
The Atlantic
Education Funding Details Emerge in 2012 Omnibus Bill
New America Foundation (blog)
Late last night, Congress filed the conference report for the fiscal year 2012 omnibus bill which would provide appropriations funding for all federal agencies including education. The most recent version is currently available on the House ...
Friday Churn: National board teachers
Education News Colorado
Colorado ranks 25th in the total number of teachers – 641 - who have earned National Board Certification over time. The nation has 97291 certified teachers, about 3 percent of the nationalteaching force. More than half teach in high-need schools. ...
U-M president takes college funding worries to Obama
Detroit Free Press
By David Jesse University of Michigan President Mary Sue Coleman is asking President Barack Obama to lead a national conversation on reducing the cost of higher education. In an open letter sent today to Obama, Coleman said funding for higher education ...
Arts education levels playing field for underserved children
USA Today
By Christie Garton, USA TODAY According to Americans for the Arts, the tremendous impact of the arts on the developmental growth of every child, has "proven to help level the learning field across socio-economic boundaries. ...
Hundreds of new teachers allowed into the classroom despite failing basic ...
Daily Mail
The National Union of Teachers (NUT) opposed the introduction of the tests in 2001, saying it believed they were unnecessary. It said at the time: 'While there are advantages in teachers learning how to apply their existing mathematical skills to the...
Daily Mail
CUPE deal could affect teachers
Vancouver Sun
But Education Minister George Abbott has said that's not going to happen, pointing to the number of publicsector unions that have reached deals under the net-zero mandate. CUPE, a longtime BCTF ally, has now joined that group. ...
WGU Enters Department of Defense Voluntary Education Partnership
Sacramento Bee
WGU's Teachers College is the first and only exclusively online provider of teacher education to receive accreditation for its teacher licensure programs from NCATE, the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education. ...
Teachers to be evaluated on new system in 2012-13
A third evaluation system, Danielson's Framework for Teaching was also considered. While Tulsa Public Schools is invested in their evaluation system, Oklahoma City Public Schools has spent millions in federal grants implementing the Marzano model at ...
Learning for Learning's Sake
Huffington Post (blog)
There are plenty of reasons why a student should take a variety of courses throughout theireducation, and most have to do with prior knowledge. The human brain learns by making connections. Learning in this context does not pertain specifically to ...
LA teachers approve local-control deal
Los Angeles Times
“I am hopeful,” said teachers union President Warren Fletcher. “Now we move forward. It's good to see that we have been able to, at least to some degree, reverse the direction, and slow down the process of removing teaching positions from the district. ...
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