Huffington Post
No doubt some are going to try to co-opt Blended Learning either to make money from it or to cut the labor force (teachers), but, all that aside, Blended Learning is my bet for education's big winner in 2012. So, there you have my predictions/hopes for ...
Are Teachers Overpaid? - Room for Debate -
Fringe benefits push total compensation for teachers roughly 50 percent above their private sector peers'. ... C. Kent McGuire, Southern Education Foundation ...
Cuomo's Education Commission: Still Missing the Who, When and What
New York Times
The demonstration is expected to take place after school. On The Learning Network, students are asked: Do Your Teachers Use Technology Well?, following the latest article in the Matt Richtel series on technology in schools.
Teachers carrying arms on campus debated
Escobedo said he believes teachers and school staff should be allowed to carry firearms. "I definitely think that firearms would have provided an additional deterrent for the child, for the 15-year-old boy that brought the firearm to school," said ...
A longer school day will ready pupils for work - Labour
BBC News
It will take evidence from teachers, parents, businesses and universities and look at international best practice on how to prepare young people for employment. Mr Twigg told the North of England Education Conference schools that have already brought ...

BBC News
Continuing Education, at the Bar
New York Times
Across New York the backrooms of bars and the main stages of clubs are coming to resemble secret annexes to the Learning Annex — homes to a boom in alternative lecture series that combine the spirit of the seminar room with the atmosphere of speed ...
Learning Technology Researcher and Innovator Dr. Tony O'Driscoll Joins ...
MarketWatch (press release)
LANSDALE, Pa., Jan 05, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- ProtonMedia, the developer of ProtoSphere, the immersive social learning and collaboration cloud environment, today announced that Dr. Tony O'Driscoll has joined the company's Executive Advisory Board. ...
Angry Kenyan parents attack teachers over childrens' poor performance in ...
Washington Post
NAIROBI, Kenya — The chairman of the Kenyan teachers' union says angry parents are attackingteachers nationwide after their children's dismal performance in a national exam. Wilson Sossion of the Kenya National Union of Teachers said Thursday that ...
Teachers group to fire back at lawmakers for overnight override
The late-night vote helped squelch any possibility of a protest or show of force by the NCAE and other education supporters, said David McLennan, a political science professor at William Peace University in Raleigh. The political maneuvering could hurt...
Fury as education secretary Michael Gove rewards teacher pay freeze adviser ...
Scottish Daily Record
Michael Gove rewarded key aide Dominic Cummings after telling teachers their pensions were being cut and their wages frozen. Cummings now earns a taxpayer-funded £69266 a year, up from £58200 just six months ago. Teachers' unions reacted with fury to ...
High court: State isn't fully funding education
The Seattle Times
In a highly anticipated court ruling released Thursday morning, the Washington State Supreme Court agreed the state is failing to meet its constitutional duty to fully fund education and said it would retain jurisdiction to make sure the Legislature ...
Education advocates pin high hopes on Malloy for reform
Ct Post
He wants to improve teaching and school leadership, deliver more state resources to needy districts, expand access to high-performing magnet and charter schools, and allow for more state control of low performing school districts while lessening the ...
Education approach bearing fruit - ANC
These included the termination of temporary teachers' contracts, suspension of scholar transport, non-delivery of textbooks and stationery, poor implementation of the school nutrition programme, and overall poor management of systems. ...
America's medical education needs major surgery
Washington Post
Professors are better at teaching the cut-and-dried academic science--physics and chemistry, theoretical models, and diagnosis/treatment decision trees--than the messy but critical subjective parts of medicine: When is it worth subjecting a patient to ...
Is Learning a Foreign Language Necessary for a High School Education?
Huffington Post
Usually, two to three years of a foreign language are also required for a four-year college education. Some students I've spoken to at my school dislike this requirement, though most schools in the United States also make learning a foreign language ...
Kanye West unleashes Twitter tirade about fashion, education, fame, MTV, apples
New York Daily News
By Joyce Chen / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS The outspoken rapper took to Twitter to unleash a barrage of tweets late Wednesday night, touching base on everything from his humble beginnings in fashion to reinventing the education system to his desire to launch ...

New York Daily News
Siphoning funds for education reform eyed
The state teachers' union supports using the money for other purposes. But union leaders say they won't push to divert the cash to teacher salaries. The union instead supports spending some of the money on textbooks, technology and other education ...
New Mexico changes education funding formulas
Up to $3.4 million of the $5.5 million allocation has already been set aside for those schools. The money will go to attracting better teachers and paying for facilities improvements. High performing schools may win awards of up to $50000 to support ...
ConnectWise University Enhances Learning Experience by Upgrading Video Tools ...
Sacramento Bee
Video is a powerful means of hands-on education for ConnectWise partners, allowing them to learn at their own pace. Because the MP4 multimedia file format is supported by nearly all mobile devices, technicians in the field can get a quick demonstration ...
Teachers to strike
The Zimbabwean
The two main bodies representing Zimbabwe's teachers have both decided to go on strike as the first term of school begins next week. The issue, as always, is government's failure to meet the teachers' demands for salaries that are in line with the...

The Zimbabwean
Zion-Benton high school teachers on strike
Chicago Tribune
About 2800 high school students in the far north suburbs will have the day off today after negotiations between Zion-Benton Township High School District 126 and the localteachers union broke down and teachers moved to strike immediately. ...

Chicago Tribune
NexLearn's Immersive Learning University Conference and Symposium Tackles How ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Technology mediated communication through blogs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn has become an essential component of business, politics, education and just plain fun. The reach and capability of social media applications to support both personal and ...
Teachers 'watched boy, 6, slip on snow then forced him to crawl back to class ...
Daily Mail
By Daily Mail Reporter A six-year-old who slipped on snow was forced by teachers to crawl 300 feet back to class with a broken leg and concussion, his parents claim. Staff at the Skokie, Illinois kindergarten then allegedly failed to call an ambulance, ...

Daily Mail
Has the NEA warmed up to Teach for America?
Washington Post (blog)
Recruits are asked to commit to only two years of teaching. The unions have argued that the country's neediest students need highly trained teachers committed to the profession. Van Roekel appeared in late September with Kopp at an event along with ...
Special Education Teacher Uses His Travels As Learning Tool
Hartford Courant
Gail Srebnik, the principal at Explorations Charter School, which features an outdoors/physicaleducation program and several other out-of-the-classroom learning programs, said that she feels travel — and really any outside interest — enriches ...
Halloran and MassBio Education Foundation Announce Collaboration
MarketWatch (press release)
This is the latest addition to MassBioEd's Biotech Learning Center, which targets educational offerings towards those already in the industry, and is a first-time collaboration between MassBioEd and Halloran. "MassBioEd has been searching for an ...
Ambow Education Alters Asset Mix
PR Newswire (press release)
The success of integrating most of these acquisitions and expanding business operations organically have demonstrated Ambow's multiple growth capabilities and the strength of our education platform, built upon our student centric and blended learning ...
Iowa City releases plan to hire more teachers
Chicago Tribune
IOWA CITY, Iowa— The Iowa City school district will hire more teachers to reduce class size in some of its elementary schools. The Iowa City Press-Citizen reports ( ) the school district plans to hire eight teachers by Jan. 17. ...
PolitiFact N.J.: Christie's claim - again - about Newark graduation rate gets ...
The Star-Ledger -
I know firsthand that one of the main reasons many of our schools ramk among the best in America is because of our dedicated teachers and educational professionals who work hard every day to give our children the learning experience they deserve. ...

The Star-Ledger -
Teaching Children to Love Healthy Food -
To raise a child who enjoys good food, you have to cook good food yourself.
Harold Jarche » Informal learning, the 95% solution
By Harold Jarche
Since the latter half of the 20th century, we have gone through a period where training departments have been directed to control organizational learning. It was part of the Taylorist, industrial model that also compartmentalized work and ...
Harold Jarche
Missouri Education Watchdog: Are Parkway Parents Paying ...
By Anngie
Ron Ramspott, coordinator of health, outdoor and physical education for Parkway, said a pilot project started in Aprilprovided the monitors during physical education classes to students at Henry and Ross elementary schools. ... "So teachers can use the data to figure how to design class time to maximize physical activity," Ramspott said. .... Missouri college students and/or union workers may very well be learning violence is acceptable and encouraged behavior in labor disputes. ...
Missouri Education Watchdog
2012: A time for highly connected learning specialists | Clive on ...
By Clive Shepherd
It only takes a couple of weeks for me to shift my attention almost entirely to matters other thanlearning technology, so I shouldn't have much trouble retiring when the time comes. So, this post acts as a way for me to re-focus on the issues that need addressing in 2012. ... skills gap in learningtechnologies, there's an opportunity there just waiting to be taken. Teaching and training has historically been a rather isolated profession, particularly for those spending their lives in classrooms....
Clive on Learning
"Our teachers gave us a much edited version [of the Holocaust ...
By Robert
The word still echoes in my ears from the first time I heard about it back in school, but unfortunately there was no internet those days and our teachers gave us a much edited version, putting the entire blame on the Jews. Even then I used to argue with them about why kill ... I could not help but feel resentment towards the education system of my country for not indoctrinating us about this hideous and gruesome chapter of history. Then flash forward to September 2001, when I finally ...
Jihad Watch
Teachers Tout iPad in The Class – Top Apps, Google Earth ...
By glenn
The government may not invest in education but that doesn't mean that us parents have to also! Interesting to see that some of the top learning apps for iPad in the classroom are Geography / Geo apps! Some of the research findings show: just ...
AnyGeo - GIS, Maps, Mobile and...
Sharing Learning Resources: shifting perspectives on process and ...
By Amber Thomas
I'm working on a paper with my colleague David Kernohan on the context of the UK OER Programme and it occurs to me that people understand the sharing of learning resources in very different ways. Even over the past 15 years that I've ...
Digital Infrastructure Team
Parents Angry After Learning About Investigation Of Sunrise ...
By cbs4price
Parents Angry After Learning About Investigation Of Sunrise Teacher. January 4, 2012 ... The letter informs parents that a representative from the Florida Department of Education will be on the Sandpiper campus next week. The letter asks ...
CBS Miami
Teachers Union Balks At Surplus Checks - Education News Story ...
HARFORD COUNTY, Md. -- Harford County employees have been offered a bonus check of $1200, money that was left over from a government surplus, and all have said yes to the bonus -- except county school teachers. Wednesday ... - Local News
Do teachers make enough? | Poll Position
By Larry Register
A majority of Americans think U.S. school teachers do not make enough money. In a Poll Position national scientific telephone survey we asked, do you think school teachers in the U.S. are underpaid, overpaid, or make the right amount of ...
Poll Position
Zion-Benton Township High School Teachers Go On Strike « CBS ...
By Adam Harrington
Teachers in Zion-Benton Township High School District 126 in Lake County say they are going ahead with a strike.
CBS Chicago
Protesting Tory attacks on our sex education - Blog - The F-Word
By Philippa Willitts
Existing Sex and Relationships Education in the UK is not statutory. Therefore, if this bill passes, some schools could end up teaching only abstinence, and the biology of reproduction in science classes. I.e. not the useful bits of SRE. ...
Worries mount over lack of physical education in schools | McClatchy
In Washington state, the Franklin Pierce school district in the Tacoma suburb of Parkland discovered that it could save a quarter-million dollars by reassigning its seven physical education teachers to different positions. And in New York, a city audit found that only .... The FIT Kids Act co-sponsored by Smith — short for the Fitness Integrated with Teaching Kids Act — would measure schools on how they're progressing in comparison to national standards. And it would pay for research to ... Nation
Credentialing Commission's new direction | Thoughts on Public ...
By John Fensterwald - Educated Guess
... new teachers are expected to know: “that they can plan a curriculum, that they can adapt that curriculum for English learners, special-education students; that they can be videotaped teaching; that they collect evidence of student learning ...
Thoughts on Public Education
Follow @eSummaCom
Fringe benefits push total compensation for teachers roughly 50 percent above their private sector peers'. ... C. Kent McGuire, Southern Education Foundation ...
Cuomo's Education Commission: Still Missing the Who, When and What
New York Times
The demonstration is expected to take place after school. On The Learning Network, students are asked: Do Your Teachers Use Technology Well?, following the latest article in the Matt Richtel series on technology in schools.
Teachers carrying arms on campus debated
Escobedo said he believes teachers and school staff should be allowed to carry firearms. "I definitely think that firearms would have provided an additional deterrent for the child, for the 15-year-old boy that brought the firearm to school," said ...
A longer school day will ready pupils for work - Labour
BBC News
It will take evidence from teachers, parents, businesses and universities and look at international best practice on how to prepare young people for employment. Mr Twigg told the North of England Education Conference schools that have already brought ...
BBC News
Continuing Education, at the Bar
New York Times
Across New York the backrooms of bars and the main stages of clubs are coming to resemble secret annexes to the Learning Annex — homes to a boom in alternative lecture series that combine the spirit of the seminar room with the atmosphere of speed ...
Learning Technology Researcher and Innovator Dr. Tony O'Driscoll Joins ...
MarketWatch (press release)
LANSDALE, Pa., Jan 05, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- ProtonMedia, the developer of ProtoSphere, the immersive social learning and collaboration cloud environment, today announced that Dr. Tony O'Driscoll has joined the company's Executive Advisory Board. ...
Angry Kenyan parents attack teachers over childrens' poor performance in ...
Washington Post
NAIROBI, Kenya — The chairman of the Kenyan teachers' union says angry parents are attackingteachers nationwide after their children's dismal performance in a national exam. Wilson Sossion of the Kenya National Union of Teachers said Thursday that ...
Teachers group to fire back at lawmakers for overnight override
The late-night vote helped squelch any possibility of a protest or show of force by the NCAE and other education supporters, said David McLennan, a political science professor at William Peace University in Raleigh. The political maneuvering could hurt...
Fury as education secretary Michael Gove rewards teacher pay freeze adviser ...
Scottish Daily Record
Michael Gove rewarded key aide Dominic Cummings after telling teachers their pensions were being cut and their wages frozen. Cummings now earns a taxpayer-funded £69266 a year, up from £58200 just six months ago. Teachers' unions reacted with fury to ...
High court: State isn't fully funding education
The Seattle Times
In a highly anticipated court ruling released Thursday morning, the Washington State Supreme Court agreed the state is failing to meet its constitutional duty to fully fund education and said it would retain jurisdiction to make sure the Legislature ...
Education advocates pin high hopes on Malloy for reform
Ct Post
He wants to improve teaching and school leadership, deliver more state resources to needy districts, expand access to high-performing magnet and charter schools, and allow for more state control of low performing school districts while lessening the ...
Education approach bearing fruit - ANC
These included the termination of temporary teachers' contracts, suspension of scholar transport, non-delivery of textbooks and stationery, poor implementation of the school nutrition programme, and overall poor management of systems. ...
America's medical education needs major surgery
Washington Post
Professors are better at teaching the cut-and-dried academic science--physics and chemistry, theoretical models, and diagnosis/treatment decision trees--than the messy but critical subjective parts of medicine: When is it worth subjecting a patient to ...
Is Learning a Foreign Language Necessary for a High School Education?
Huffington Post
Usually, two to three years of a foreign language are also required for a four-year college education. Some students I've spoken to at my school dislike this requirement, though most schools in the United States also make learning a foreign language ...
Kanye West unleashes Twitter tirade about fashion, education, fame, MTV, apples
New York Daily News
By Joyce Chen / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS The outspoken rapper took to Twitter to unleash a barrage of tweets late Wednesday night, touching base on everything from his humble beginnings in fashion to reinventing the education system to his desire to launch ...
New York Daily News
Siphoning funds for education reform eyed
The state teachers' union supports using the money for other purposes. But union leaders say they won't push to divert the cash to teacher salaries. The union instead supports spending some of the money on textbooks, technology and other education ...
New Mexico changes education funding formulas
Up to $3.4 million of the $5.5 million allocation has already been set aside for those schools. The money will go to attracting better teachers and paying for facilities improvements. High performing schools may win awards of up to $50000 to support ...
ConnectWise University Enhances Learning Experience by Upgrading Video Tools ...
Sacramento Bee
Video is a powerful means of hands-on education for ConnectWise partners, allowing them to learn at their own pace. Because the MP4 multimedia file format is supported by nearly all mobile devices, technicians in the field can get a quick demonstration ...
Teachers to strike
The Zimbabwean
The two main bodies representing Zimbabwe's teachers have both decided to go on strike as the first term of school begins next week. The issue, as always, is government's failure to meet the teachers' demands for salaries that are in line with the...
The Zimbabwean
Zion-Benton high school teachers on strike
Chicago Tribune
About 2800 high school students in the far north suburbs will have the day off today after negotiations between Zion-Benton Township High School District 126 and the localteachers union broke down and teachers moved to strike immediately. ...
Chicago Tribune
NexLearn's Immersive Learning University Conference and Symposium Tackles How ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Technology mediated communication through blogs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn has become an essential component of business, politics, education and just plain fun. The reach and capability of social media applications to support both personal and ...
Teachers 'watched boy, 6, slip on snow then forced him to crawl back to class ...
Daily Mail
By Daily Mail Reporter A six-year-old who slipped on snow was forced by teachers to crawl 300 feet back to class with a broken leg and concussion, his parents claim. Staff at the Skokie, Illinois kindergarten then allegedly failed to call an ambulance, ...
Daily Mail
Has the NEA warmed up to Teach for America?
Washington Post (blog)
Recruits are asked to commit to only two years of teaching. The unions have argued that the country's neediest students need highly trained teachers committed to the profession. Van Roekel appeared in late September with Kopp at an event along with ...
Special Education Teacher Uses His Travels As Learning Tool
Hartford Courant
Gail Srebnik, the principal at Explorations Charter School, which features an outdoors/physicaleducation program and several other out-of-the-classroom learning programs, said that she feels travel — and really any outside interest — enriches ...
Halloran and MassBio Education Foundation Announce Collaboration
MarketWatch (press release)
This is the latest addition to MassBioEd's Biotech Learning Center, which targets educational offerings towards those already in the industry, and is a first-time collaboration between MassBioEd and Halloran. "MassBioEd has been searching for an ...
Ambow Education Alters Asset Mix
PR Newswire (press release)
The success of integrating most of these acquisitions and expanding business operations organically have demonstrated Ambow's multiple growth capabilities and the strength of our education platform, built upon our student centric and blended learning ...
Iowa City releases plan to hire more teachers
Chicago Tribune
IOWA CITY, Iowa— The Iowa City school district will hire more teachers to reduce class size in some of its elementary schools. The Iowa City Press-Citizen reports ( ) the school district plans to hire eight teachers by Jan. 17. ...
PolitiFact N.J.: Christie's claim - again - about Newark graduation rate gets ...
The Star-Ledger -
I know firsthand that one of the main reasons many of our schools ramk among the best in America is because of our dedicated teachers and educational professionals who work hard every day to give our children the learning experience they deserve. ...
The Star-Ledger -
Teaching Children to Love Healthy Food -
To raise a child who enjoys good food, you have to cook good food yourself.
Harold Jarche » Informal learning, the 95% solution
By Harold Jarche
Since the latter half of the 20th century, we have gone through a period where training departments have been directed to control organizational learning. It was part of the Taylorist, industrial model that also compartmentalized work and ...
Harold Jarche
Missouri Education Watchdog: Are Parkway Parents Paying ...
By Anngie
Ron Ramspott, coordinator of health, outdoor and physical education for Parkway, said a pilot project started in Aprilprovided the monitors during physical education classes to students at Henry and Ross elementary schools. ... "So teachers can use the data to figure how to design class time to maximize physical activity," Ramspott said. .... Missouri college students and/or union workers may very well be learning violence is acceptable and encouraged behavior in labor disputes. ...
Missouri Education Watchdog
2012: A time for highly connected learning specialists | Clive on ...
By Clive Shepherd
It only takes a couple of weeks for me to shift my attention almost entirely to matters other thanlearning technology, so I shouldn't have much trouble retiring when the time comes. So, this post acts as a way for me to re-focus on the issues that need addressing in 2012. ... skills gap in learningtechnologies, there's an opportunity there just waiting to be taken. Teaching and training has historically been a rather isolated profession, particularly for those spending their lives in classrooms....
Clive on Learning
"Our teachers gave us a much edited version [of the Holocaust ...
By Robert
The word still echoes in my ears from the first time I heard about it back in school, but unfortunately there was no internet those days and our teachers gave us a much edited version, putting the entire blame on the Jews. Even then I used to argue with them about why kill ... I could not help but feel resentment towards the education system of my country for not indoctrinating us about this hideous and gruesome chapter of history. Then flash forward to September 2001, when I finally ...
Jihad Watch
Teachers Tout iPad in The Class – Top Apps, Google Earth ...
By glenn
The government may not invest in education but that doesn't mean that us parents have to also! Interesting to see that some of the top learning apps for iPad in the classroom are Geography / Geo apps! Some of the research findings show: just ...
AnyGeo - GIS, Maps, Mobile and...
Sharing Learning Resources: shifting perspectives on process and ...
By Amber Thomas
I'm working on a paper with my colleague David Kernohan on the context of the UK OER Programme and it occurs to me that people understand the sharing of learning resources in very different ways. Even over the past 15 years that I've ...
Digital Infrastructure Team
Parents Angry After Learning About Investigation Of Sunrise ...
By cbs4price
Parents Angry After Learning About Investigation Of Sunrise Teacher. January 4, 2012 ... The letter informs parents that a representative from the Florida Department of Education will be on the Sandpiper campus next week. The letter asks ...
CBS Miami
Teachers Union Balks At Surplus Checks - Education News Story ...
HARFORD COUNTY, Md. -- Harford County employees have been offered a bonus check of $1200, money that was left over from a government surplus, and all have said yes to the bonus -- except county school teachers. Wednesday ... - Local News
Do teachers make enough? | Poll Position
By Larry Register
A majority of Americans think U.S. school teachers do not make enough money. In a Poll Position national scientific telephone survey we asked, do you think school teachers in the U.S. are underpaid, overpaid, or make the right amount of ...
Poll Position
Zion-Benton Township High School Teachers Go On Strike « CBS ...
By Adam Harrington
Teachers in Zion-Benton Township High School District 126 in Lake County say they are going ahead with a strike.
CBS Chicago
Protesting Tory attacks on our sex education - Blog - The F-Word
By Philippa Willitts
Existing Sex and Relationships Education in the UK is not statutory. Therefore, if this bill passes, some schools could end up teaching only abstinence, and the biology of reproduction in science classes. I.e. not the useful bits of SRE. ...
Worries mount over lack of physical education in schools | McClatchy
In Washington state, the Franklin Pierce school district in the Tacoma suburb of Parkland discovered that it could save a quarter-million dollars by reassigning its seven physical education teachers to different positions. And in New York, a city audit found that only .... The FIT Kids Act co-sponsored by Smith — short for the Fitness Integrated with Teaching Kids Act — would measure schools on how they're progressing in comparison to national standards. And it would pay for research to ... Nation
Credentialing Commission's new direction | Thoughts on Public ...
By John Fensterwald - Educated Guess
... new teachers are expected to know: “that they can plan a curriculum, that they can adapt that curriculum for English learners, special-education students; that they can be videotaped teaching; that they collect evidence of student learning ...
Thoughts on Public Education
Follow @eSummaCom
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