The US Education System Wrongly Penalizes Good Teachers, Won't Fire BadTeachers
Consider the teacher salary schedule, which generally rewards teachers for years spent teaching, for performance. This outdated system penalizes young and mobile teachers. Additionally, it means that teachers who take on more difficult classes or teach ...

Consider the teacher salary schedule, which generally rewards teachers for years spent teaching, for performance. This outdated system penalizes young and mobile teachers. Additionally, it means that teachers who take on more difficult classes or teach ...
Neshaminy Federation of Teachers President Louise Boyd announces at the federation's headquarters in Middletown Friday that the teachers will go on strike beginning Monday. Posted: Monday, January 9, 2012 8:15 am | Updated: 8:30 am, Mon Jan 9, 2012. ...
More cuts for public education
The Seattle Times
Once-a-year evaluations tell you nothing about how students respond to lessons, teaching styles, technology used and so on. Just as students are expected to learn and grow with their education,teachers should be expected to learn and adapt to the ...
Higher Education Leader Paula R. Singer to Speak at Walden University's Winter ...
MarketWatch (press release)
As a result, Ms. Singer has been a driving force behind Laureate's commitment to a student-centric approach to teaching and learning and its focus on serving nontraditional students and working professionals. As a top corporate leader, she also serves ...
Noah Education Wins Six Awards at Industry Ceremonies
Sacramento Bee
Little New Star was named one of the "2011 Most Competitive Brands for Pre-school English" at the 2011 Tencent Chinese Education Industry Review. It was also named as one of the "2011 Most Reputable Brands for English Learning" at the 2011 SINA China ...
Education Department Wants Input On Changing School Evaluation
News Channel 7
At Rosewood Elementary School in Columbia Monday, Zais said that it is demoralizing to teachersand administrators to have their schools labeled failing when they meet or surpass 16 of their 17 goals. He said having schools evaluated on what the ...
Impart education with care: PM
Daily Star Online
Photo: PID UNB, Dhaka Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Monday called upon primary school teachers to be more attentive while imparting education to children so that the first stage of education becomes stronger. “In this regard, we want all out cooperation...
Daily Star Online
Time to fight for quality education
Independent Online
Low-fee schools which show a commitment to quality education can sign on and get a discount on exam fees. Oberholzer says the main difference between IEB and other schools is “assessment-driven teaching”. “Our philosophy is that if you empower the...
Independent Online
Five Messages From the "Slavery Math Problems"
Huffington Post (blog)
There are issues related to race, class, and education that permeate the fabric of our schools, affect the teaching and learning in classrooms. These issues may only emerge in national media in cases like this one -- where an alert parent paid ...
Class dissection: 'Lesson study' aims to improve teaching
As Chicago shifts to new “common core” learning standards, advocates hope lesson study might play a role in helping teachers teach to the more rigorous standards. Chicago has its own lesson study guru. DePaul University education professor Akihiko ...
Education issues stack up for 2012
Education News Colorado
Pensions: A core of Republican members have issues with the operations of the Public Employees' Retirement Associations, which manages pensions for all Coloradoteachers and thousands of higher education employees. Expect repeat versions of several GOP ...
Education News Colorado
International responsibility after Libya, American civic education plus more ...
Washington Post (blog)
By Allen McDuffee 9:30 Teaching America: The Case for Civic Education with William Galston, Brookings; David Feith, Wall Street Journal; John Bridgeland, Civic Enterprises; Seth Andrew, Democracy Prep Public Schools; Peter Levine, Tufts University; ...
Learning, teaching via video games
The News Journal
Video games could supplement the one-on-one attention teachers can't provide at all times, said Jim Applegate, vice president for program development at the Lumina Foundation. "We know mentoring works, but it's hard to scale up to the millions of ...
ChinaEdu Honored with Five Prostigious Education Industry Awards
MarketWatch (press release)
The Company's other lines of businesses include the operation of private primary and secondary schools, online interactive tutoring services and providing marketing, support for international and elite curriculum programs and online learning community ...
Savannah-Chatham teachers enjoy experiences, big salaries in Abu Dhabi
Savannah Morning News
Renewing her teaching contract would have meant another year of financial instability, anxiety over the next round of education cutbacks and changing accountability measures. Then Ramsey got a two-year, overseas teaching contract offer she couldn't ...
Riady Scholarship Offers Teachers of the Future a Chance to Study Abroad
Jakarta Globe
It offers 60 programs and about a third of its students are studying teacher education. Some of the school's programs focus on teaching arts, music and philosophy. The fund will provide full tuition plus room and board for qualified recipients, ...
Jakarta Globe
Marvell Showcases 'Classroom 3.0' Education Technology at CES 2012
MarketWatch (press release)
Teachers and students can now tap into an unprecedented amount of open or premium digital content. The SMILE plug also allows teaches to control and run interactive classrooms with real-time feedback and analytics, deepening the learning experience. ...
Oak Ridge educators meet challenge of teaching 'what matters'
Oak Ridger
That training has focused, in part, on "learning communities" within schools that form teams ofteachers who work together on lessons and share different teaching strategies that can help students better learn concepts. The district's new plan of ...
Senate Democratic leader: Priorities are tax cuts, education reform, jobs
Talented, skilled workers are the base upon which our economy is built. That's why we must do more to recruit, develop and support great teachers. That's why we must expand access to math and science education. That's why we must make college more ...
AFMC officials kick off Year of Continuing Education
Air Force Link
1. for the Year of Continuing Education. Gen. Donald Hoffman, the AFMC commander, introduced the initiative to Airmen via email Jan. 6. In it, the general indicated that AFMC's Year of Continuing Education, or YoCE, will still emphasize earning a CCAF...
Air Force Link
As 2nd term starts, Jindal stays focused on education
Alexandria Town Talk
Jindal said Louisiana's continuing low education performance hinders the state's economic growth. He said he wants to give Louisiana's children better-performing teachers and students in failing schools more choices. The governor hasn't yet detailed ...
What Hacker Apprenticeships Tell Us About the Future of Education
The Atlantic
All offer a short (two or three month), project-based learning program geared toward acquiring real-world development skills. Hacker School is free and aimed at proficient programmers trying to advance their skills, while Dev Bootcamp and Code Academy ...
The Atlantic
Jan. 9, 1968 - The Learning Network - New York Times
The Learning Network - Teaching and Learning With The New York Times .... Teachers can use or adapt our lessons across subject areas and levels. ... Good, solid history teaching takes time. ....Other Education Resources at The Times ...
The Learning Network
Educating graphs on IL education « The Anchoress
By Elizabeth Scalia
Teachers especially are increasingly presumed to be goldbricks and parasites for the unconscionable act of making a middle class living and decent retirement for a hideously difficult and unappreciated job. They were painted as the sort of bloodsuckers that we used to associate with the billionaire ...And, if you think teaching is “a hideously difficult and unappreciated job', you need to get out more. Public employee retirees are going to be asking folks without guaranteed pensions to ...
The Anchoress
Nice Shades: More on the New York's Learning Spring School ...
By Lloyd Alter
Back in May, when in New York for ICFF, I bicycled past an interesting building with elaborate sun screening, and wrote Nice Shades On New York's Learning Spring School. I wrote: I think this is pretty new; the architects still have it in their "on ...
Latest Items from TreeHugger
Harold Jarche » Learning in NB
By Harold Jarche
The government is asking how New Brunswick can be the learning province of Canada. Similar questions have been asked before, so I'm just going to amalgamate some of my responses. Learningat School. Public Education: The problem is ...
Harold Jarche
Instapundit » Blog Archive » HIGHER EDUCATION UPDATE: A ...
By Glenn Reynolds
I'm sorry, but if I'm going to have to pay $50000 a year to go to Stanford then the classes should be tailored to fit the students – not a working professional who wants to learn a little machine learning on the side.” Posted by Glenn Reynolds at ...
NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes for Teachers | educating alice
By medinger
Teaching Kids, Books, and the Classics. January 9, 2012 · 6:36 am. ↓ Jump to Comments. NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes for Teachers. Betsy Bird recently posted about a fabulous NEH institute being held at her library this summer ...
educating alice
Minn. Holds First-Ever Indian Education Summit « CBS Minnesota
By Eric Henderson
The Minnesota Department of Education is holding a first-ever American Indian Education Summit aimed at reducing barriers facing the state's Indian students.
CBS Minnesota
Learning, unlearning and relearning
By (Steve Wheeler)
We all value learning. And much of what we have learnt can be difficult to unlearn. Usually that's a good thing. But there are times when unlearning just has to be done. Sometimes it's impossible to learn new things if you don't unlearn some of ... Kathy Sierra features a timeline on her blog which suggests that the 1970s and 80s were about how well we could learn, the 1990s and 2000s focused on how fast and how much we could learn, whilst today's education should be based on ...
Learning with 'e's
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