"The lesson from Asia is that the only way to improve students' learning is by improving teaching. Reforming teaching is about behavioural and cultural change, which means changing what teachers do, day in, day out, in every school.
Aussie students fall two years behind Asian pupils
Herald Sun
They would likely be put into the remedial class," said researcher Dr Ben Jensen, director of the school education program at the Melbourne-based think tank the Grattan Institute. Its report, "Catching up: Learning from the best school systems in East ...
Herald Sun
They would likely be put into the remedial class," said researcher Dr Ben Jensen, director of the school education program at the Melbourne-based think tank the Grattan Institute. Its report, "Catching up: Learning from the best school systems in East ...
A class above
Sydney Morning Herald
He says Shanghai's results disprove the widely held notion that Asian educationsystems are based on rote learning. "PISA provides a balanced set of tasks. There are some that you can solve simply by reproducing subject matter content ... but most of ...

Sydney Morning Herald
Sydney Morning Herald
He says Shanghai's results disprove the widely held notion that Asian educationsystems are based on rote learning. "PISA provides a balanced set of tasks. There are some that you can solve simply by reproducing subject matter content ... but most of ...
Sydney Morning Herald
Chalk up a deal!
New York Daily News
By Kenneth Lovett / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS The Daily News learned late Wednesday afternoon that an agreement between the state Education Department and the state teachers union on a teacher evaluation system “is pretty well locked down.” New York Gov.

New York Daily News
As Deadline Nears, a Compromise on Teacher Evaluations
New York Times
By Fernanda Santos and Winnie Hu New York State education officials and theteachers union reached an agreement on a new teacher evaluation system on Thursday, just hours before a deadline imposed by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, who had threatened to ...

New York Times
Contest would focus on teacher quality
CBS News
(AP) WASHINGTON — Education Secretary Arne Duncan on Wednesday spelled out details of a proposed new $5 billion Race to the Top-style competition focused on improving teacher quality. Among the changes the administration is seeking: higher teaching ...
Cuomo, teachers union to announce deal on statewide evaluation system
New York Post
Cuomo has until the end of today to amend his state budget proposal to impose a statewide system and has used the deadline to prod the State Education Department and New York State UnitedTeachers union to settle a lawsuit over the issue and agree to a ...
NYSUT expects NY teacher evaluation plan by noon
Wall Street Journal
New York Daily News
By Kenneth Lovett / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS The Daily News learned late Wednesday afternoon that an agreement between the state Education Department and the state teachers union on a teacher evaluation system “is pretty well locked down.” New York Gov.
New York Daily News
As Deadline Nears, a Compromise on Teacher Evaluations
New York Times
By Fernanda Santos and Winnie Hu New York State education officials and theteachers union reached an agreement on a new teacher evaluation system on Thursday, just hours before a deadline imposed by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, who had threatened to ...
New York Times
Contest would focus on teacher quality
CBS News
(AP) WASHINGTON — Education Secretary Arne Duncan on Wednesday spelled out details of a proposed new $5 billion Race to the Top-style competition focused on improving teacher quality. Among the changes the administration is seeking: higher teaching ...
Cuomo, teachers union to announce deal on statewide evaluation system
New York Post
Cuomo has until the end of today to amend his state budget proposal to impose a statewide system and has used the deadline to prod the State Education Department and New York State UnitedTeachers union to settle a lawsuit over the issue and agree to a ...
NYSUT expects NY teacher evaluation plan by noon
Wall Street Journal
AP ALBANY, NY — The president of the state's largest teachers union says he believes a landmark deal on teacher evaluations will be announced by noon. Richard Iannuzzi (EYE'-uh-noo-zee), who leads the New York State United Teachers, says he expects ...
Is a Teacher Evaluation System Deal Close?
New York Times
Andrew M. Cuomo's deadline for a deal between the New York State United Teachers and the stateEducation Department on the framework for a state evaluation system. There were some tea leaf signs on Wednesday that state officials and the unions were ...
Administration seeks competition to improve teaching quality
Washington Post
The proposed competition would focus on both improving the quality of the existing teaching force and on better training and recruitment of future teachers. Already, some states are enacting some of the changes the Education Department wants, ...
Education cuts 'misguided' and 'shocking,' say experts
Toronto Star
Other recommendations are too drastic to consider and would devastate education, said teacher unions. “We're not just talking about numbers here, we're talking about children,” noted Sam Hammond, president of the Elementary Teachers' Federation of...

Toronto Star
Teachers union rips Chicago school policies, calls for $713 million in ...
Chicago Sun-Times
By ROSALIND ROSSI Staff Reporter / rrossi@suntimes.com February 16, 2012 9:42AM ChicagoTeachers Union Pres. Karen GJ Lewis had a news conference to discuss concerns about comments she made during a presentation at a teachers conference in Seattle last ...
NY voters trust Cuomo more than teachers' union
Wall Street Journal
Andrew Cuomo to safeguard education more than they trust the teachers' union. The Quinnipiac (KWIHN'-uh-pee-ak) University poll released Thursday finds that 50 percent of voters trust Cuomo more "to protect the interests of New York State public school ...
Opinion: Find our next great teachers beyond the teaching degree
The Times of Trenton - NJ.com
The WestEd (wested.org) study by Frederick Hess, “Finding the Teachers We Need,” which drew on studies by the author, the US Department of Education, McKinsey and Co., and several other reputable sources, noted that “Undergraduate education majors ...
City, teachers union resolve dispute over evaluation system
New York Post
By YOAV GONEN The city and teachers' union have resolved their main disagreement over a teacher evaluation system just as Gov. Cuomo is expected to announce a deal at the state level. The sticking point has been the union's insistence that teachers be ...
Obama seeks $5 billion to transform teaching
Chicago Tribune
"Many of our schools of education are mediocre at best. Many teachers are poorly trained and isolated in their classrooms," Duncan told an online town hall meeting with educators. "No other profession carries a greater burden for securing America's ...
No cussing in class for teachers, lawmaker says
Albany Times Union
Borwn, pulled Olivia, a high school junior, from a local public school after she came home upset that one of her teachers was using profanity in the classroom and school administrators didn't address his concerns. He now helps with her home schooling ...
Republicans push ahead with plan to update No Child Left Behind education law
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — House Republicans on Thursday pushed ahead with a plan to update the federal No Child Left Behind education law by shifting more control to states and school districts in determining whether children are learning.
5 Ways to Save America's Education System
Philadelphia Magazine (blog)
Women in particular have much broader career options than they did 40 years ago, when many of the brightest female college graduates were diverted into teaching jobs. But investing in teachersdoesn't just mean paying them more.
NYC and union reach deal on teacher evaluations
New York Daily News
The sticking point had been the appeals process for teachers who receive negative performance ratings. The deal comes just hours before a deadline Cuomo set for a new statewide teacher evaluation system. Cuomo had given the state EducationDepartment ...

New York Daily News
State, Teachers Union Agree To New Evaluation System
Just hours before Governor Andrew Cuomo's imposed deadline, a deal has been reached between the state education department and teachers union to create a new teacher evaluation system. The agreement was announced this afternoon at a press conference in ...

Australian students lag Asia by three years
Sydney Morning Herald
Teachers in Shanghai spent 10-12 hours directly teaching their students each week, working with an average class size of 40 students. In Australia, with average class sizes of 23 students and an average 20 hours of teacher time spent with students each...

Sydney Morning Herald
US Education Secretary lays out plan to improve teachers, modeled on 'Race to ...
Alaska Dispatch
The Obama administration is focused on teaching again – but this time it's hoping to reform the entire profession itself. On Wednesday, Education Secretary Arne Duncan spoke to teachers at a town-hall meeting to launch a $5 billion proposal that would ...
No link between school cash and marks: study
The Age
Nor do smaller class sizes guarantee good educational outcomes; teachers in Shanghai spent 10 to 12 hours directly teaching students each week, working with an average class size of 40 students. In Australia, with average class sizes of 23 students, ...
Deadline day for deal on teacher evaluations
The independent Advocates for Children of New York are trying to insert provisions that recognize the particular challenges of special education teachers, who must help students with emotional and physical disabilities, and others who are teaching ...

Crowd-Sourced Learning Platform Memrise Nabs $1.05M From Matt ...
By Alexia Tsotsis
I'm still sort of doubtful that any online education model works, but right now I have six Mandarin “plants” sprouting, which is a lot more Mandarin than I knew before Memrise. Founder Ed Cooke swears by this five minutes a ... Right now the service is focused on teaching Mandarin, French, Spanish and Italian, but Cooke says that SAT vocabulary will be coming in the next twelve months in addition to “phrase” learning instead of just words. Mobile apps and more languages are also in ...
Education Department Launches “National Conversation” on ...
By twalker
The plan outlines strategies that will increase the quality of teacher candidates, make sure that teachers remain at the top of their game throughout their careers, and to improve student learning by improving the teaching profession.
NEA Today
Kenzo Shibata: The Board of Education's Circus Act Doesn't Help Kids
By Kenzo Shibata
The December 14th takeover of the Chicago Board of Education meeting by parents and educators was at the first meeting after CPS announced its desire to "turnaround" ten schools. Immediately following, there was blowback from the ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
Utah Bill Would Give Public Education Money Directly To Student ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
The Utah House Education committee decided Wednesday to stay a bill that would require the state to put much what it gives now to high schools into "education savings accounts" for students in grades 9-12. Lawmakers elected to continue ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
The Best Resources For Learning About What's Happening In Syria ...
By Larry Ferlazzo
…For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL ... list that might be useful for teachers and students. I'm starting it... The Best Sites For Learning About The Protests In Egypt .... My posts for Classroom Q & A with Larry Ferlazzo at Education Week Teacher.
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
Instapundit » Blog Archive » HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE ...
By Glenn Reynolds
HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Personal assistants with impressive credentials are more available due to the tough job market for college graduates. For $35 an hour you can get a cum laude graduate of Harvard with a degree in ...
Follow @eSummaCom
Is a Teacher Evaluation System Deal Close?
New York Times
Andrew M. Cuomo's deadline for a deal between the New York State United Teachers and the stateEducation Department on the framework for a state evaluation system. There were some tea leaf signs on Wednesday that state officials and the unions were ...
Administration seeks competition to improve teaching quality
Washington Post
The proposed competition would focus on both improving the quality of the existing teaching force and on better training and recruitment of future teachers. Already, some states are enacting some of the changes the Education Department wants, ...
Education cuts 'misguided' and 'shocking,' say experts
Toronto Star
Other recommendations are too drastic to consider and would devastate education, said teacher unions. “We're not just talking about numbers here, we're talking about children,” noted Sam Hammond, president of the Elementary Teachers' Federation of...
Toronto Star
Teachers union rips Chicago school policies, calls for $713 million in ...
Chicago Sun-Times
By ROSALIND ROSSI Staff Reporter / rrossi@suntimes.com February 16, 2012 9:42AM ChicagoTeachers Union Pres. Karen GJ Lewis had a news conference to discuss concerns about comments she made during a presentation at a teachers conference in Seattle last ...
NY voters trust Cuomo more than teachers' union
Wall Street Journal
Andrew Cuomo to safeguard education more than they trust the teachers' union. The Quinnipiac (KWIHN'-uh-pee-ak) University poll released Thursday finds that 50 percent of voters trust Cuomo more "to protect the interests of New York State public school ...
Opinion: Find our next great teachers beyond the teaching degree
The Times of Trenton - NJ.com
The WestEd (wested.org) study by Frederick Hess, “Finding the Teachers We Need,” which drew on studies by the author, the US Department of Education, McKinsey and Co., and several other reputable sources, noted that “Undergraduate education majors ...
City, teachers union resolve dispute over evaluation system
New York Post
By YOAV GONEN The city and teachers' union have resolved their main disagreement over a teacher evaluation system just as Gov. Cuomo is expected to announce a deal at the state level. The sticking point has been the union's insistence that teachers be ...
Obama seeks $5 billion to transform teaching
Chicago Tribune
"Many of our schools of education are mediocre at best. Many teachers are poorly trained and isolated in their classrooms," Duncan told an online town hall meeting with educators. "No other profession carries a greater burden for securing America's ...
No cussing in class for teachers, lawmaker says
Albany Times Union
Borwn, pulled Olivia, a high school junior, from a local public school after she came home upset that one of her teachers was using profanity in the classroom and school administrators didn't address his concerns. He now helps with her home schooling ...
Republicans push ahead with plan to update No Child Left Behind education law
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — House Republicans on Thursday pushed ahead with a plan to update the federal No Child Left Behind education law by shifting more control to states and school districts in determining whether children are learning.
5 Ways to Save America's Education System
Philadelphia Magazine (blog)
Women in particular have much broader career options than they did 40 years ago, when many of the brightest female college graduates were diverted into teaching jobs. But investing in teachersdoesn't just mean paying them more.
NYC and union reach deal on teacher evaluations
New York Daily News
The sticking point had been the appeals process for teachers who receive negative performance ratings. The deal comes just hours before a deadline Cuomo set for a new statewide teacher evaluation system. Cuomo had given the state EducationDepartment ...
New York Daily News
State, Teachers Union Agree To New Evaluation System
Just hours before Governor Andrew Cuomo's imposed deadline, a deal has been reached between the state education department and teachers union to create a new teacher evaluation system. The agreement was announced this afternoon at a press conference in ...
Australian students lag Asia by three years
Sydney Morning Herald
Teachers in Shanghai spent 10-12 hours directly teaching their students each week, working with an average class size of 40 students. In Australia, with average class sizes of 23 students and an average 20 hours of teacher time spent with students each...
Sydney Morning Herald
US Education Secretary lays out plan to improve teachers, modeled on 'Race to ...
Alaska Dispatch
The Obama administration is focused on teaching again – but this time it's hoping to reform the entire profession itself. On Wednesday, Education Secretary Arne Duncan spoke to teachers at a town-hall meeting to launch a $5 billion proposal that would ...
No link between school cash and marks: study
The Age
Nor do smaller class sizes guarantee good educational outcomes; teachers in Shanghai spent 10 to 12 hours directly teaching students each week, working with an average class size of 40 students. In Australia, with average class sizes of 23 students, ...
Deadline day for deal on teacher evaluations
The independent Advocates for Children of New York are trying to insert provisions that recognize the particular challenges of special education teachers, who must help students with emotional and physical disabilities, and others who are teaching ...
Crowd-Sourced Learning Platform Memrise Nabs $1.05M From Matt ...
By Alexia Tsotsis
I'm still sort of doubtful that any online education model works, but right now I have six Mandarin “plants” sprouting, which is a lot more Mandarin than I knew before Memrise. Founder Ed Cooke swears by this five minutes a ... Right now the service is focused on teaching Mandarin, French, Spanish and Italian, but Cooke says that SAT vocabulary will be coming in the next twelve months in addition to “phrase” learning instead of just words. Mobile apps and more languages are also in ...
Education Department Launches “National Conversation” on ...
By twalker
The plan outlines strategies that will increase the quality of teacher candidates, make sure that teachers remain at the top of their game throughout their careers, and to improve student learning by improving the teaching profession.
NEA Today
Kenzo Shibata: The Board of Education's Circus Act Doesn't Help Kids
By Kenzo Shibata
The December 14th takeover of the Chicago Board of Education meeting by parents and educators was at the first meeting after CPS announced its desire to "turnaround" ten schools. Immediately following, there was blowback from the ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
Utah Bill Would Give Public Education Money Directly To Student ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
The Utah House Education committee decided Wednesday to stay a bill that would require the state to put much what it gives now to high schools into "education savings accounts" for students in grades 9-12. Lawmakers elected to continue ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
The Best Resources For Learning About What's Happening In Syria ...
By Larry Ferlazzo
…For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL ... list that might be useful for teachers and students. I'm starting it... The Best Sites For Learning About The Protests In Egypt .... My posts for Classroom Q & A with Larry Ferlazzo at Education Week Teacher.
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
RESPECT for teachers (and their unions) — Joanne Jacobs
By Joanne
The $5 billion would reward states and districts that work with teachers and their unions, education schools and others to remake teaching. Education Secretary Arne Duncan gave no specifics, but Ed Week's Politics K-12 suggests some ...
Joanne Jacobs
By Joanne
The $5 billion would reward states and districts that work with teachers and their unions, education schools and others to remake teaching. Education Secretary Arne Duncan gave no specifics, but Ed Week's Politics K-12 suggests some ...
Joanne Jacobs
Learning with 'e's: Never mind the quality
By noreply@blogger.com (Steve Wheeler)
I observe lessons and there are a proportion where learning would be enhanced if teachers just stopped teaching! For me the Quality Assurance argument is focussed on the other end of education, the end where mediocre teachers deliver ...
Learning with 'e's
By noreply@blogger.com (Steve Wheeler)
I observe lessons and there are a proportion where learning would be enhanced if teachers just stopped teaching! For me the Quality Assurance argument is focussed on the other end of education, the end where mediocre teachers deliver ...
Learning with 'e's
Instapundit » Blog Archive » HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE ...
By Glenn Reynolds
HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Personal assistants with impressive credentials are more available due to the tough job market for college graduates. For $35 an hour you can get a cum laude graduate of Harvard with a degree in ...
Follow @eSummaCom
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