Education startup Coursera has bagged USD3.7m in equity funding from Caltech , the University of Pennsylvania and existing investors Kleiner Perkins Caufield ...
Study: Online Learning Outcomes Similar to Classroom Results
U.S. News & World Report
Critics of online learning claim that students are exposed to an inferior education when compared to traditional in-class instruction, but a recent study from Ithaka S+R, a strategic consulting and research nonprofit, questions this notion. The report ... And although the researchers were able to successfully randomize students in both groups, based on factors including age, gender, ethnicity, academic background, and family income, they could not control for differences inteacher quality. Students learn more from active ...

U.S. News & World Report
U.S. News & World Report
Critics of online learning claim that students are exposed to an inferior education when compared to traditional in-class instruction, but a recent study from Ithaka S+R, a strategic consulting and research nonprofit, questions this notion. The report ... And although the researchers were able to successfully randomize students in both groups, based on factors including age, gender, ethnicity, academic background, and family income, they could not control for differences inteacher quality. Students learn more from active ...
U.S. News & World Report
Technology and the lost art of reading comprehension | TechRepublic
Technology has indeed become miraculous and immediately available. Maybe that's why so many of us are losing some important skills–like re.
CPS to hire 477 teachers for longer school day
Chicago Tribune
Under the agreement, CPS will hire 477 teachers in noncore subjects such as music, art, foreign language and physical education. That will allow elementary school teachers to continue to work seven-hour days, which include teacher prep time and lunch.
Teachers picket outside CPS headquarters
Chicago Tribune
Several hundred Chicago Public Schools teachers and union supporters, clad in red t-shirts, picketed and marched in front of CPS headquarters this morning to call for a publicly elected school board and show solidarity with the union as contract talks continue. A day after the union and CPS leaders brokered a deal to re-hire 477 laid-off ... Charters are independently run schools that rely mostly on public funding. It's teaching staffs are largely non-union workers and none are members of the Chicago Teachers Union.
Apple's enterprise mojo: Education shines
ZDNet (blog)
A notable large education transaction closed during the June quarter in Rutherford County, North Carolina, which has purchased 6000 MacBooks. To support its 21st century digital learningenvironment in Pueblo, Colorado, K-12 staff in the 22 school districts ...
Chicago's big school deal: Longer days for kids, hundreds more teachers
The Chicago Teachers Union has long argued during contract negotiations for a "better school day" instead of a longer one. "There was never anything in place to do the art, music, (physicaleducation and) world languages," said President Karen Lewis.
Teachers, students wrap up work in Smokies
Sacramento Bee
The teachers worked alongside park employees in the field dealing with resource management and education programs. ... She said it's a learning experience for the students and teachers, with both groups passing along what they gained to others.
Chicago Teachers Union, city reach agreement on longer school day
Washington Post
CHICAGO — Chicago's teachers reached an interim agreement with the school district Tuesday on plans for a longer school day, a major sticking point in contract negotiations that had fueled fears of a teachers' strike in the coming weeks. Neither side said ...
Annual Study Finds Child Education, Health Improving
Education Week News (blog)
Children's health and education are showing positive signs even in the midst of a dismal economic environment, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation's annual ranking of child well-being, released this morning. The 23rd-annual Kids Count Data Book ... He said that while there isn't a silver bullet to improve literacy, research does point to reading achievement gaps caused by differences in school readiness, general attendance, and summer learning loss. "You put those three things together and they are all ...
Cengage Learning's Aplia Learning Solution Wins eSchool Media Readers ...
MarketWatch (press release)
This integration of technologies will further advance the quality of learning and teachingsolutions in the higher education market. The winners of the Readers' Choice Awards were chosen by the editors of eSchool Media from almost 1300 nominations.
Two Wichita Learning Connection centers to open to help former students get ... (blog)
“What we do is we try to provide … cost-effective ways to provide education services to school districts,” says executive director Brad Pepper. The south-central branch, which is based in Clearwater, serves 28 school districts and is one of seven education ...
Teacher evaluations 'failed,' report says
The Tennessean
In June, the State Collaborative on Reforming Education released a report suggesting seven improvements to Tennessee's new teacher evaluation system. “Evaluators are telling teachersthey exceed expectations in their observation feedback ... More than 75 percent of teachersreceived scores of 4 or 5 — the highest possible — from their principals, compared with 50 percent scoring 4 or 5 based on student learning gains measured on tests. • Fewer than 2.5 percent scored a 1 or 2 when observed, while 16 percent ...
Indian-origin teacher sues UK school for racism
Hindustan Times
An Indian-origin model-turned teacher, once named one of Britain's top 20 hottest men, has sued his school for over 100000 pounds after he was called a "Paki" in a volley of racial abuses and the national tri-colour was removed from his classroom and dirtied ...
Chicago Teachers Union, CPS Reach Interim Agreement On Longer School Day
Huffington Post
CHICAGO -- Chicago's teachers reached an interim agreement with the school district Tuesday on plans for a longer school day, a major sticking point in contract negotiations that had fueled fears of a teachers' strike in the coming weeks. Neither side said the agreement averts a strike and .... Chicago Public Schools history teacher Jennifer Johnson was tired of watching her colleagues being bashed by out-of-state special interest groups and opportunistic politicians. Matt Farmer: "We Are the Ninety-(Fill in the Blank) ...
Biggest obstacle to a new teachers' contract is resolved
Chicago Sun-Times
That's an obvious victory for the mayor who has made the longer school day his top education reform priority. But the deal is an equally big win for the teachers who always said their priority was to make the longer day a “better day” for their students — and to ...
Teachers' attorney says evals can include test scores this year
Los Angeles Times
In the case, which could transform teacher evaluations in California, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge James C. Chalfant ruled last month that L.A. Unified had violated the law, known as the Stull Act. The plaintiffs' attorneys had argued that the absence of a rigorous evaluation system that effectively identifies weak ... If they wish to use a student's test scores as part of a teacher's evaluation, then they should be required to bring in the most important stakeholders in a child's education--his or her parents.
Cut Education Now, Pay Later: 'What Does This Kind Of Negligence Do To Our ...
Huffington Post
(We have learned that it is counterproductive to rank students, but find it useful to pit teachersagainst each other?) -- Kathryn Corson. I am a fifth-grade teacher at P.S. 3, which is located in Brooklyn, N.Y. I have been teaching for 34 years, much of it in District ...
News Corp to launch tablet education pilot
SYS-CON Media (press release) (blog)
News Corp. on Monday named its grade school education business Amplify and said it and AT&T would fund a pilot project that aims to put tablet computers in students' hands in the coming school year. AT&T will provide tablet computers that work on its 4G ...
SYS-CON Media (press release) (blog)
City to hire more teachers for longer school day
Chicago Sun-Times
After months of acrimony culminating in a 90 percent strike authorization vote, the ChicagoTeachers Union and the city have reached an agreement that could help avert a strike and pave the way the Mayor Rahm Emanuel's longer school day. Instead of ...
Prince William teachers disciplined after giving students help on tests
Washington Post
Many of the problems occurred during a third-grade test at Swans Creek Elementary in Dumfries, according to a report by the Virginia State Board of Education. A third-grader told ateacher at recess that the teacher who administered the history and social ...
Apple's iPad education sales double, outperform Mac 2-to-1
Apple Insider
Apple on Tuesday announced the iPad is quickly becoming the company's strongest asset in theeducation market as sales nearly doubled from a year ago, meaning the tablet outperformed even portable Macs in the segment for the quarter ending in June. ... In describing the iPad'seducation potential, Oppenheimer gave an example of how schools are using the iPad in classroom mentioning that the Mansfield Texas Independent School District purchased 11000 units slated to be used by teachers and students.
How To Build a Better Teacher
Slate Magazine
The caricature often presented in the press depicts hard-driving, data-obsessed reformers—who believe the solution is getting rid of low-performing teachers—standing off against unions—who don't trust any teaching metric and care more about their jobs than the children they're supposed to be ... When I askededucation scholar Doug Staiger where the most promising evidence lay, he referred me to an assessment of the Teacher Evaluation System that was implemented in Cincinnati public schools in 2000-01.
Slate Magazine
Teaching Standards Set High
Dr Kawambwa added that in future, the minimum entry qualifications for the teaching profession will be hiked to 25 or 26 points. He said teachers at all levels of education need to have the best academic qualifications. He also said that it was a pity that some ...
Report puts state last in education
Las Vegas Review - Journal
"In general, children in poverty have a tough time in education," said Brown, who is an economics professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and director of the Center for Business and Economic Research. About 64 percent of Nevada children had parents with secure ... Unstable lives make school a struggle and create an "obstacle to learning," said Clark County School Board member Erin Cranor, who helps govern the state's largest school system. Clark County School District Superintendent Dwight Jones ...
Las Vegas Review - Journal
Chicago Public Schools, teachers union reach tentative agreement
July 24, 2012 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- A tentative agreement between the ChicagoTeachers Union and the school board would have Chicago Public Schools students in class longer without their teachers having to work a significantly longer day.
Who wins in the school deal?
Chicago Tribune
CPS will staff the extra student time by hiring 477 more elementary school teachers to handle subjects such as art, computer tech, music and physical education. Those teachers will be recalled from a pool of CPS teachers who were laid off in recent years.
An education for Penn State
Rutland Herald
In 1982, the president of the University of San Francisco, the Rev. John Lo Schiavo, suspended the university's basketball team. The school had a legendary basketball program — the great Bill Russell won two national championships as a player in the 1950s ...
If You Want Our Economy Fixed, Fix Education
Huffington Post
Loading... Charter Schools · Teachers · Standardized Testing · Ed-lection 2012 · More .... That fact became clear to me in 2009 when I was invited by US Education Secretary Arne Duncan to a presentation of the findings of a report on the economic impact of the achievement gap in America's schools. This report ... And at the very least immediately begin equalizing instruction, improving teacher quality, and increasing resources so our kids can go on to college and positively contribute to our economy. When we talk ...
CPS, Teachers Reach 'Win-Win' Deal To Hire 477 New Teachers For Longer Day
CBS2 Chicago
In order to avoid having teachers working a school day that is 20 percent longer than now, the school district agreed to hire 477 new teachers to handle the extra programs included in the longer school day, according to Chicago Board ofEducation President David ... Lewis said the city has also agreed to recall rights for tenured teachers who were fired in 2010, 2011 and 2012, and those teachers will have first rights at all new teaching openings. ... Lewis declined to discuss the issue of teacher raises on Tuesday.
CBS2 Chicago
California's Education Payoff « CBS Philly
By amyparmenter
Research from the Institute for the Study of Societal Issues found that for every dollar California invests in higher education, it will receive a net return of $4.50 - 450%!
CBS Philly
Chicago Teachers Union, CPS Reach Interim Agreement On Longer ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
CHICAGO -- Chicago's teachers reached an interim agreement with the school district Tuesday on plans for a longer school day, a major sticking point in contract negotiations that had fueled fears of a teachers' strike in the coming weeks. Neither ... Chicago Public Schools historyteacher Jennifer Johnson was tired of watching her colleagues being bashed by out-of-state special interest groups and opportunistic politicians. .... We need better teaching skills, and probably shorter days.
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
The Value of Pre-K Education, Take 2 | Mother Jones
By Kevin Drum
First, I don't believe that K-12 education is in a crisis. This doesn't mean that I think we should listlessly accept the status quo. I'm very much in favor of more experimentation with charter schools, more research into effective teaching methods, ...
MoJo Blogs and Articles | Mother Jones
Rookie Ryan Tannehill is teaching new offense to Dolphins veterans ...
By Doug Farrar
From the blog Shutdown Corner: Ryan Tannehill played quarterback for Mike Sherman's Texas A&M Aggies for a season and a half, and put up some pretty solid numbers doing so. The former receiver, who took his preferred position midway ...
Shutdown Corner - NFL - Yahoo! Sports
Westminster Middle School Teacher Accused Of Possessing Child ...
By matthewbuettner
A middle school teacher in Westminster is accused in a child pornography investigation.
CBS Denver
Jefferson Parish School Board to consider teacher contracts that ...
By Barri Bronston, The Times-Picayune
The Jefferson Parish School Board will consider a template for individual teacher contracts Wednesday, further angering the teachers union that calls the move an effort to circumvent collective bargaining.
New Orleans Metro Real Time News
Fontana Teacher, Student In Court For Alleged Hazing Scandal ...
By neilajamee
A Fontana high school teacher and student accused of hazing classmates were back in court Tuesday. ... Daily Deals. 67% off at Sunset Learning Studio. Buy Team Gear. Nike Darren McFadden Oakland Raiders Game Jersey - Black. Events ...
CBS Los Angeles
By neilajamee
A Fontana high school teacher and student accused of hazing classmates were back in court Tuesday. ... Daily Deals. 67% off at Sunset Learning Studio. Buy Team Gear. Nike Darren McFadden Oakland Raiders Game Jersey - Black. Events ...
CBS Los Angeles
Apple reports 'best quarter ever' in Q3 for US education institution ...
By Élyse Betters
Oppenheimer said the iPad 2 price drop to $399 helped in education—sold twice as many iPads to U.S. schools as Macs during the quarter. About 11000 iPads, for instance, were bought in Mansfield, Texas for students and teachers.
Is Brick & Mortar Education Going to be Left in the Dust by Online ...
By Allen Partridge
The core of this widespread adoption of online learning resources the panel suggested can in fact be found in the emphasis on 'learning' rather than 'teaching. ... This led to the Montesori schools and notions of the teacher as facilitator. ... presented in today's new efforts to re-introduce Constructivist methods by using educational technologies to free teachers from what has been perceived and painted as the chains which bind them to PowerPoint lectures, worksheets and overheads.
Rapid eLearning | Adobe Captivate Blog
Portland Art Museum chooses new director of education and public ...
By Marty Hughley, The Oregonian
Mike Murawski, currently the director of school services at the Saint Louis Art Museum, will join PAM on Oct. 15, charged with further integrating the museum with the community and improving it as a region-wide resource for learning.
Portland News
HN: Billionaire Kellner gives millions for teachers' training | Prague ...
Prague, July 23 (CTK) - The richest Czech businessman Petr Kellner annually spends millions of crowns on teachers' training to improve their teaching skills, the daily Hospodarske noviny (HN) writers yesterday. It recalls that international organisations have repeatedly ... The CzechEducation Ministry stopped working on such methodological material after minister Ondrej Liska (Greens) left the post in May 2009, HN recalls. It also writes that several private projects to improve the ...
Prague Monitor
Gale, Cengage Learning | American Libraries Magazine
By Katie Bane
Gale, part of Cengage Learning, announced the launch of Business Insights: Essentials, a new resource for research on business, companies and industries. It was built on the same intuitive platform as Business Insights: Global but will ...
American Libraries Magazine -...
Union Summer—An Education in Union and Community Organizing
Salinas, an intern with the UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education's ... In the case of the L.A. program, participants like Salinas are learning about union ...
New teacher evaluation system will benefit students, employers ...
Team PA believes the new teacher evaluation system will help ensure students ... of Educationran pilot programs that engaged teachers and administrators to ensure ... is that relying solely on test scores is not an effective measure of quality teaching. ... learning provide a much richer understanding of teacher effectiveness.
Cengage Learning's Aplia Learning Solution Wins eSchool Media ...
BELMONT, Calif., July 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Cengage Learning, a leading global provider of innovative teaching, learning and research solutions, announced today ... This prestigious award is given annually to K-12 and higher education ... Aplia is an interactive homework solution developed by teachers to increase ...
Teacher Rules | The Media Bullpen
Bringing Accountability to Education Reporting ... How best to manage teachers in one Louisiana parish pits individual teacher contracts against collective ...
Education & Social Policy
Education, poverty policy, women's and children's issues. ... Primary Sources 2012: Quotes from America's Teachers on the Teaching Profession. ... National Summer Learning Association's Gary Huggins Summer Learning Loss Graph ...
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